I’m being threatened by the Captain William Jackman Club executive again. This time the threat comes directly from the President and the Secretary/Treasurer. Here is an email I received from them yesterday in response to my recent article. Since they seem concerned that I might misrepresent what they say I am printing it here in its entirety along with my email response to them. Note: e.oakley@nf.sympatico.ca is the email address for Basil and Elaine Reddy.
From: e.oakley@nf.sympatico.ca
To: renews-news@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: Latest News
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2010 21:09:07 -0230
Unfortunately this blog is a misrepresentation of the reason the meeting was called - too bad but it is a meeting of volunteers which support the Club and its endeavours for two specific events - not a furtherance of your personal vendetta against us! By the way, this email has been printed and recorded and any attempt on your part to edit this correspondence for your own purposes has been recorded for future reference - future reference you might ask?... wait and see...
My emailed response:
July 06, 10:20 pm.
The article did not misrepresent the reason the meeting was called. It clearly states you had another agenda for the meeting. It merely suggested that, since the meeting was being held in the "Harvesting our History" office, it would be a great opportunity to view what is happening with the project. Surely you're proud of the work you have done on the project to date and are anxious to show it off. I simply suggested that the meeting is a great opportunity to do that, and I look forward to that opportunity. I did not misrepresent anything - you obviously misread something.
As for the wait and see comment - everything I say is a matter of public record and anytime you want to debate any of these issues in any forum you'll find me willing and waiting. "Wait and see" is an implied threat, and I won't be threatened by you or anyone.
I do not have a personal vendetta against you but I do have a strong motivation to make sure the project achieves it objectives. You will have no issues with me as long as you do what you contracted to do, nor can you stop me from from writing about any issues as long as they are true. Keep watching for more articles of interest and feel free to comment.
There you have it folks. You are up to date on this story. Stay tuned on the weekend for an interesting article on a Dunk Tank issue.