Welcome to Renews News

Our town is too small to have its own newspaper but it is not so small that things don't happen here. This blog is meant to be a weekly and sometimes daily peek at what's happening in our town and in the surrounding areas. Just bookmark this site and check back regularly to hear the news from Renews.

You can contact me with announcements, birthdays, stories, items for sale etc. at renews-news@hotmail.com Items are posted free.

Editor: Terry Hynes


Friday, April 23, 2010

Changes on comments and Postings

You have noticed we have changed the format of this little newspaper.  Folks were having problems making comments on the posts so I removed the comments section.  You can make comments to me via email.  If you want your comments posted I will do so in a "Letters to the Editor section.  Also it is not my intention to update this site every day.  To help readers stay on top of postings I now intend to post only on weekends so you will have fresh local news at the beginning of each week.  Thank all of you for the many emails.  It lets me know that folks are interested.  If you have a story you think I should cover drop me a line and let me know renews-news@hotmail.com