Welcome to Renews News

Our town is too small to have its own newspaper but it is not so small that things don't happen here. This blog is meant to be a weekly and sometimes daily peek at what's happening in our town and in the surrounding areas. Just bookmark this site and check back regularly to hear the news from Renews.

You can contact me with announcements, birthdays, stories, items for sale etc. at renews-news@hotmail.com Items are posted free.

Editor: Terry Hynes


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Port Kirwan Come Home Year

If there is anyone out there connected to the upper end of the southern shore who hasn't heard of Port Kirwan Come Home Year I'll be greatly surprised. They have a very talented committee who have done an outstanding job preparing for and promoting the event and their town. A year of fundraising has been a part of the preparations and that alone has provided a variety of entertainments for residents of the area. This promises to be the outstanding event on the southern shore this summer. If you haven't already made vacation plans you should consider taking in this event. The little town of Port Kirwin is big league when it comes to family fun. For more on this event visit this site: http://www.freewebs.com/port-kirwan/

Good Luck Port Kirwan. You are going to "rock the shore" this summer.